Tuesday, February 6, 2007

ESP-Extrasensory or Extended Sensory Perception?

The common view of paranormal or psychic powers is that there is something special and 'out of the ordinary" about them: they are "extra sensory." Ingo Swann, in his book Reality Boxes (available from Irva.org), encourages us to take another view point. On page 72 he mentions several innate abilities in all humans. These include intuitive engineering, intuitive mathematics, intuitive biology, spatial sense, and many others. The existence of these natural abilities supports that idea we have inherent systems for being aware of very subtle types of energy and information. We have a lot more sensory ability than science is currently aware of. In this sense, psychic functioning may be seen as an extension of our biological capabilities rather than something that is "extra."


LesleyinNM said...

Thanks for the email! I am so happy to see you have a blog now, I will add it to my link list.

Simeon Hein, Ph. D. said...

Thanks for your comments Leslie.